Embrace Nature on a Bayfront Gardens Tour!
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Conserving Emperor Justinian
For the first time in over sixty years, one of the most impressive works of art in The Ringling’s collection will return to view. Measuring a staggering thirteen by twenty-two feet, the painting by 19th-century French artist Jean-Joseph Benjamin-Constant depicts the Byzantine Emperor Justinian and his counselors engaged in a discussion of religious texts. READ MORE
Karl Bitter’s Twelve Months Panels
From the Huntington Mansion to The Ringling, discover the enchanting marble frieze carved by artist Karl Bitter that adorns Gallery 21 in the Museum of Art. Explore the details of each panel in the slideshow at the end of this post. READ MORE
A Ringling Bronze and the Augusto Grimani
A late 19th/early 20th century bronze statue in the collection of the Ringling Museum of Art is a liberal copy after a renowned ancient marble statue, the so-called Augusto Grimani. Among the reproduction sculptures purchased by John Ringling in the 1920s and 30s is an over life-size, bronze statue of a Roman general (fig. 1). The figure wears a decorated breastplate with a short skirt terminating just above the knees and a mantle thrown over his left shoulder READ MORE